segunda-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2011


Prezados Leitores do Blog, permitam-me fazer este post em inglês, para deleite dos leitores estrangeiros. O áudio que segue, entretanto, está em Português. Desejo a todos uma excelente semana.

Dear readers, I took the liberty to post this in english, dedicated to my foreign readers. The audio, however, is in portuguese. Wish you all a great week!.

According O Estado de São Paulo newspaper, published today, Korean participation on direct investments in Brazil increased from point four percent to two percent last year. Meanwhile, China, the other asian Country with an eye at the brazilian market, increased from point three percent to point seven percent in two thousand nine.

The president of the Brazilian Society for Studies of Transnational Enterprises and Economic Globalization, Luiz Afonso Lima, remember that Korea is going through a wide internationalization process, and certainly the country will receive more investments, speacially on consumer goods sector.

In his opinio, in qualitative terms, the Korean investments are more interesting than chinese, as they allow a greater transfer of technology.

Koreans are more focused in products like vehicle, electronics and machineries, while the Chineses invest more in mineral extraction and activities related to oil.

Kotra, comercial divison of Korean Consulate in Sao Paulo, through its General Director, confirm demand increasing on attending missions and independent entrepreneurs interested in establishing companies in Brazil.

According to them, Brazilians need to look to Korea, who is largely interested in the green car and Ethanol.

He points out that the question he most hear is related to Financing. It is his belief that this is the biggest challenge, as interests rates in Brazil are much higher than in Korea.

Published in O Estado de São Paulo, adapted for Plantrade Blog.

2 comentários:

Unknown disse...

Olá Frabrícia, gostei muito da matéria e do audio. Sua voz ficou excelente no audio! Excelente mesmo!
Vc está de PARABÉNS pelo trabalho! bjs
Claudio Cartaxo

Plantrade disse...

Obrigada, Claudio, pelo comentário. Fico muito feliz com a manifestação dos leitores.