Did you Know? Tips

Did you Know Brazil has strict rules for used material importation?

Used  goods importation is reguled by DECEX, at Portaria DECEX nº 8, de 13/05/1991,

Those importation are subject to Non-Automatic Import License, BEFORE the goods being shipped, and only a few used goods are allowed to be imported.

Used consumer goods are forbidden, except importation of any goods, without commercial value, as per donation directly to Federal Government, States Government, Federal District, Territories and Municipalities governments, Public Entities, Educational, Cientific and Technological Institutions, Charity Institutions, recognised as of public utility and non profit organizations, to their own use and to attend their institutional objectives with no commercial purposes.

The used clothing importation made by Charity Institutions will follow a very strict procedure.

====If we know, we do it right!

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