quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2011

Garoto inventa campainha que liga para celular e ganha fortuna

Fonte: Folha de São Paulo/ BBC Brasil

A thirteen years old boy from Croydon, south of London, invented a doorbell that, once plyaed, makes a phone call to a cellular phone.

Laurence Rook received more than 20 thousand orders and estimates that he will earn about 250.000 pounds, about 650.000 reais.

The invention has two utilities. For known people, the resident may explain that his is not at home. In case of thiefs, it is possible to avoid theft and invasions by pretending to be home.

He tells that the idea came out when a delivery company tried to make a delivery at his house and there was nobody home to receive it.

The model was developed for a school competition. He intends to reserve part of the money for college and the other part he will use for his own amusement.

Laurence patented the idea and with a help from a family friend, Paula Ward, hired a China company for scale production.

Now they negociate to make the production arrive to the britain shops in September.

*Translated specially for Plantrade Blog.

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